Solana: How to create an SPL token using Visual Code
Here is a step-by-step article on creating an SPL token using Visual Studio Code (VSCode) with the Solana CLI:
Creating an SPL Token with Visual Code
As mentioned, Solana is a popular blockchain platform that requires advanced programming skills to create complex tokens. However, you can create a simple SPL token in no time using VSCode and the Solana CLI.
In this article, we will show you how to use JavaScript, specifically Solidity, to create a basic SPL token on Solana.
Before you begin, make sure you have:
- Visual Studio Code (VSCode) installed on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
- Install and configure the Solana CLI
- Solana wallet with sufficient funds
1. Step 2: Create a new directory and install dependencies
Create a new directory for your project:
mkdir solana token
cd solana token
Install the required dependencies:
npm init -y
npm install solana cli @solana/web3.js
The “@solana/web3.js” package contains the Solana CLI and web3.js libraries that we use to interact with the Solana blockchain.
Step 2: Create a new Solidity contract
Create a new file called “contract.solidity”:
touch contract.solidity
Open this file in VSCode and add the following code:
pragma solidity ^0,8,0;
import "
contract SPLtoken {
// Define the name, symbol, and total supply of the token
string public name = "SPL-tokenem";
string public symbol = "SPLT";
uint public totalSupply;
// Constructor function to initialize the token metadata
constructor() {
// Initialize the total supply of the token
TotalSupply = 1000;
// Function to mint a new token
function mint(address recipient, unit amount) public {
// Check if the sender has enough funds
request(msg.sender.hasBalance(), "No funds");
// Save the token to the recipient
_mint(messager, amount);
This contract defines the basic structure of the SPL token with a name, symbol, and total supply. The “mint” function allows users to mint new tokens.
Step 3: Compile and deploy the contract
Compile and deploy the contract:
cd solana token
npx solana-compile --bin contract.solidity
This command compiles the Solidity code into a Solana program that can be deployed on the blockchain.
Step 4: Use the contract in Visual Code
Create a new file called “index.sol” and add the following code:
import "
contract Main {
// Import the SPLtoken contract
Using SafeERC20 (address, address);
// Initialize variables
from the state balance;
// Function to mint a new token
function mint(address recipient, unit amount) public {
balance += amount;
// Function to get the user's current balance
function getBalance() public view returns (uint) {
return balance;
This contract uses the “SafeERC20” library to interact with the SPLToken contract. It allows users to mint new tokens and get their current balance.
5. Step 1: Run the contract in VSCode
Create a new file called “main.ts” and add the following code:
“` typescript
Import { Account } from ‘@solana/web3.js’;
import ‘index.sol’;
// Initialize the Solana program
const program = request(‘@sorve/solana-program’);
// Create a new account
async function main() {
const account = await getAccount();
console.log(‘Current balance:’, account.