Metamask: Integrating Ethereum wallet with Discord bot
Metamk integration with your disagreement robot software
When designing your cryptocurrency -based Ethereum blockchain, integrating Metamk, one of the most popular and widely used cryptons, your Discord Bot is a great idea. This integration will allow users to safely save their Ethereum funds on your platform. In this article, we will explore how to integrate Metamk with your Discord Bot using REST API.
- You have set and set up Discord Server.
- Each user has a Metamk safe installed.
- You have Discord API key authentication and authorization.
- Your server is installed NODE.JS.
Step 1: Set your Discord Bot
Before integrating Metamk, you need to create a DISCORD BOT and get the Oath2 marker. Create a new Discord server and invite developers with bottoken 'permission. Then use the DISCORD API Library JavaScript (eg DISCORD.JS) to create your own robot software.
Step 2: Install the required packages
To integrate Metamk with your Discord Bot, you will need to install the following packages:
- Discord.js
: interaction with Discord API.
- Axios
: HTTP requesting requests for Ethereum Blockchain API.
- Ethers.Js
: Library for Ethereum's accounts and transactions.
NPM Install Discord.Js Axios Ethers
Step 3: Create your Discord Bot
Create a new file named Discordbot.js' and add the following code:
Const Discord = to ask (‘Discord.Js’);
Const axios = ask (‘aksios’);
Const ethers = ask (‘ether’);
Const Clientid = ‘Your_client_id’;
Const Clientecret = ‘Your_client_secret’;
module.exports = {
Name: ‘Yourdiscordbotname’,
Description: “Your Disordination Robot Description”,
Version: ‘1.0’
module.exports.Auth = async () => {
Const token = Expect (‘ {
Grant_Type: ‘Client_credentials’
return to;
Step 4: Integrate Metamass with your disagreement robot software
You will need to use the `Ethereum blockchain API. Create a new file named
Metamkintegrator.Js’ and add the following code:
Const ethers = ask (‘ether’);
Const metamk = ask (‘./ Metamk’);
module.exports = {
Title: “MetamkintEgrator”,
ASYNC Execute (Message, Marker) {
Const Client = New Metamk ({
Service Provider: Ethers.providers.web3provider (marker)
// Send the user to Metamask Wallet
Expect client.sendwallletlink ({to:});
Action 5: Update your Discord Bot
Update your file “Discordbot.js” with the following code:
module.exports = {
… …
ASYNC Execute (Message, Marker) {
Try {
Const usermetamkaddress = wait for metamkintegrator.execute (message, marker);
// Use Metamk address to send transactions or call functions to ethereum blockchain
} Catch (error) {
Console.Error (error);
Message.reply (‘Error connects to Metamka’);
Step 6: Check your integration
Check your integration by creating a DISCORD bot with the Oath2 marker and connecting it to your Discord server. Then try to send a bot request to send funds or call the features to Ethereum Blockchain using the MetamkintEgrator file.
That’s it! With these steps, you have successfully integrated Metamk in your Discord Bot, allowing users to safely save their Ethereum funds on your platform.
Example of use of use
Here is an example of a simple game:
- The user joins Discord Server and creates a new account on the game platform.