Ethereum: InvalidResponseError: Returned error: unknown account

I can help you. Here is a step by step instructions and an article example:

Ethereum: Invalidrespon Seberor: Returned Error: Unknown Account

Ethereum Blockchain is a decentralized, public and secure platform for intellectual contracts and decentralized programs (Dapps). You need to have Ethereum letter bag and a valid private key to communicate with Ethereum network.

In this guide, we use the Web3.js Library to interact with Ethereum Blockchain. We will also use Solidi Compiler to enter into our intellectual contract code Ethereum bytecode.


Ethereum: InvalidResponseError: Returned error: unknown account

Below you will find an example of how to save your private account key in your local system and then sign an operation with the following account:


// Import the necessary libraries

CONST Web3 = Requirements (‘Web3’);

Solidum compiler = Requirements (‘Solc’);

// Set the Web3 copy along with Ethereum provider (eg infura, etc.)

CONST providerrl = ‘

Const Web3 = New Web3 (New Web3.Providers.Httpprovider (Providerurl));

// Compile Solidis Bytecode for your intellectual contract

SolidycomPiler.comPile (‘Road/to/Your/SmartContract.sol’, (err, bytecode) => {

IF (ERR) {

Console.error (ERR);

to return;


// Get Ethereum Account Private Key from the Contract

CONST ContractDress = ‘0x …’; // Change the address of your intellectual contract

CONST PRIVATE = web3.eth.gettransaction (ContractDadress) .transaction.privatekey;

// Sign the operation with a private key

CONST SIGNATURE = Web3.eth.signransaction ({{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{

Author: ‘0x …’ // Change your Ethereum Account Public Key

Data: Byte code,

Gas limit: 20,000,

Nonce: 1,

Private Key: Privatkey

}, (error, txhash) => {{{

IF (ERR) {

Console.error (ERR);

to return;


console.log (txhash); // This should print Transactionhash




Error explanation

“Incorrect response to seror: Returned Error: An unknown account” usually occurs when attempts to sign an operation with a private button from Ethereum, which does not correspond to the known public key. This can happen if the private key is not properly saved or if it is not used with a valid public key.

In your case, you mentioned to save the private account key in your local system and sign an operation with this key. However, you did not give an example of how a private key saves. To correct this error, make sure you:

  • Safely save a private key (eg with a hardware letter in your pocket or safe password).

  • Check that the private key to the known public key is in line.

  • Use the right from the “parameter” to sign the operations.

If you still have a problem, provide more information about your Ethereum account and the intellectual contract code and I will do my best to help you continue.

Additional tips

  • Always use a secure password or hardware letter bag to save private keys.

  • Make sure you check the Web3.js documentation for any updates or changes in the library behavior.

  • To make sure your account and contract addresses are correct, use a reliable Ethereum provider (such as Infura).

I hope this will help! If you have more questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask.

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