Ethereum: Web scraping in Python. P2P data extraction in Binance and other exchanges

Ethereum: Web Scraping in Python for P2P Data Extraction

As a cryptocurrency enthusiast, you are likely aware of the importance of staying up-to-date with market prices and trends. One effective way to achieve this is by web scraping, which involves extracting data from websites using automated scripts. Python for web scraping on popular cryptocurrencies like binance and kucoin.


Before We Begin, Make sure you have the following requirements installed:

  • Python 3.x (Preferably the Latest Version)

  • BeautifulSoup AndRequests Libraries

  • Json Library for Handling Json Data

Choosing and Library

There are several web scraping libraries available for python. For this example, we’ll use beautifulsoup4, which is widely used and well-documented.


Import Requests

From BS4 Import BeautifulSoup

Web Scraping Binance

Ethereum: Web scraping in Python. P2P data extraction in Binance and other exchanges

Binance Offers a robust API that allows us to extract data from their website. We’ll use the following endpoint to retrieve prices for USDT/Ars Pairs: https: //


Def Binance_data ():

headers = {'Accept': 'Application/Json'}

params = {

'Symbol': 'USDT',

Binance USD (Pegged to 1 EUR)

'Limit': 100

Retrieve Up to 100 Price Data Points


Response = Requests.get (' headers = headers, params = params)

If response.status_code == 200:

Return Json.Loads (Response.text) ['Data']


Print ("Failed to Retrieve Binance Data.")

Return None


prices = []

for symbol in ['USDT', 'Ars']:

url = f'https: // {symbol}-{} = {}/USDT '

headers = {'Accept': 'Application/Json'}

params = {

'Limit': 100,

Retrieve Up to 100 Price Data Points

'symbol': symbol,

'market': f '{symbol}-{}'


Response = Requests.get (URL, Headers = Headers, Params = Params)

If response.status_code == 200:

prices.append (json.loads (response.text) ['data'])

Return Prices

Exchange = 'Binance'

Replace with Your Preferred Exchange

prices = USDT_PRICES ()

Print The Retrieved Data for Each Pair

for i, symbol in enumerate (prices):

Print (f '{i+1}. {symbol ["symbol"]} ({symbol ["price"]})')

Processing and Storage Data

After extensioning the desired prices, we need to process them further. We can create a simple script that:


  • Saves the Data In A Json File


import json

with open ('prices.json', 'w') as f:

for i, symbol in enumerate (prices):

prices_dict = {


"symbol": symbol ["symbol"],

"Price": Symbol ["Price"]


json.dump (prices_dict, f)


Cryptocurrencies like binance and kucoin. We chose BeautifulSoup4 As our web scraping library and used the API Endpoints provided by each exchange to extract data. The extracted prices were then processed further using simple scripts to save them in json files.

Feel free to explore more websites, adjust parameters, and refine your excluses process for better results. Happy programming!

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