Solana: Jito transaction with bundleOnly=true parameter?

Solana Jito Transactions Understanding with Bundlonly = True

By sending one Jito operation Solana Blockchain, you are experiencing a common dilemma: how to associate your operations, ensuring their integrity and security. One way to achieve this is the use of the Bundlonly parameter in JITO operations.

In this article, we will delve deeper from the development of Jito operations with only Bundle True, focusing on what they mean to protect mev and protect mev (average time to leave).

What are Jito operations?

Jito is a specific Solana operation protocol that allows you to send several wealth as one operation. This is especially useful when it comes to moving a small amount of one property in exchange for another, at the same time paying the network advice and leaving a possible profit margling (MEV).

What is Bundllonly = True?

When Bundlonly = True, Solana will try to create a package from your operations. This means that if you send several assets with different operations ID or gas prices, they will be combined into a single package.

Here’s an example of what Jito operation may look like:


Jito {

input {

address = “0x1234567890abcdef”

Steam = 100,00000

amount {


Tokenaddress = “0x9876543210Fedcba”

Quantity = 10



output {

Address = “0xabcdef12345”

Hood = 10000

amount {


Tokenaddress = “0x4567890123456789”

Quantity = 20





In this example, we created one Jito operation with two input and output wealth.

Return protection

Solana operations are considered to be returned according to default. However, if you use the Bundllonly = TRUE ‘parameter, your combination will be treated as non -evaluated. This means that if any of the individual input fails or the network is rejected, the entire operation will be returned to its original state.

To mitigate this risk, you can enable Solana JavaScript SDK to protect your operations protection using the Revertpotect feature.


Const Jito = Require (‘@Solana/Web3.js’). Jito;

// Create a new Jito operation with refund protection

CONST transaction = new Jito ({{{{{{{{{{{{

Input: [


Address: 0x1234567890abcdef,

Hood: 100,000,000,

amount: {{{

Property: Token,

Tokenaddress: ‘0x9876543210Fedcba’,

Quantity: 10




Address: 0x4567890123456789,

Hood: 10000,

amount: {{{

Property: Token,

Tokenaddress: ‘0x7654321098765432’,

Quantity: 20




Output: [


Address: 0xabcdef12345,

Hood: 10000,

amount: {{{

Property: Token,

Tokenaddress: ‘0x901234567890abcdef’,

Quantity: 30





// Perform surgery

transaction.sign ();


Mev Protection

Solana: Jito transaction with bundleOnly=true parameter?

You can use the Mevprotect feature to enable MeV protection to further secure the connected operations. This will ensure that any possible market fluctuation profit will be protected.

Here’s an example of how to create a MEV protected Jito operation:


Const Jito = Require (‘@Solana/Web3.js’).



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