Ethereum: How can i set up CPU mining on bfgminer?

CPU mining configuration with BFG Mine in Linux

As a beginner in the world, configuring CPU mining with BFG Mine in Linux Cants Arted and configures its first CPU mining operation.

Why use CPU mining?

Beefre we dive in your process, let’s argue quickly if you have you

profitable : CPU mining is a profitable way of extracting cryptocurrencies.

* Easy to learn : CPU mining requires a minimal experience in technic compared to GPU mining or is mining.

* Low energy consumption : CPU mining users Very little energy, so it is an ecological option.


To configure CPU mining with BFG Mine in Linux, follow Thee’s steps:

  • Download and install the last of BFG Mine from the off: <

  • One installed, BFG Miner Finance and select “CPU” as your mining software.

  • Create a new mining group by clicking on the “Mining Pool” tab and the sale “Create New Mining Group”.

  • Enter the following details:

Pool name : Give your mining group a descriptive name (for example, “my CPU miner”).

Miners list *: Create a new miner on the list or chos to exing one.

IP address : Provide the IP of the server eddress that mining for mining. This can be a private IPDA in its local network or an IP Eddress public from a cloud supplier.

  • Configure your mining configuration by isolation the following options:

Block size : Choose the size of the block that the BFG miner admits (for example, 1024, 2048).

* Work up to

Ethereum: How can i set up CPU mining on bfgminer?

: Select the book to the BFG miner to calculate the difficulty of mining.

  • Configure your mining configuration selling the following options:

Pool Hehtate : Establish the pool hehrte for optimal performance.

* Energy consumption limit : Limit the energy consumption of its mining platform.

  • Create a new job in BFG Miner by clicking on the “Jobs” tab and the sale of “Create New Work”.

  • Configure the work settings:

* MINING SOFTWARE : Choose CPU as its mining software.

* Mining Mining : Select your newly created mining group.

Block size : Enter the size of the block that previously specified (for example, 1024).

* Function until : Establish the size of the book unit in the coincidence of its chosen blocks.

Tips for beginners

Start with a small pool : Start with a small mining pool and a gradual increase

The monitor electricity invoice *: Keep a hey in your electricity here to make sure you are not exciting our paving consumption limit.

Unique online communities *: Connect with one of the foremen of the forums or social media groups of the miners to the trades.

Solution of Common Problem Problems

No mining output *: Verify if the group is configured correctly and if

* HIGH ELECTRICITY INVOICE : Check its use of electricity and adjust your energy consumption limit as necessary.

Importance Importance Financial Technologies



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