Ethereum: listtransactions RPC call

Ethereum: List Transactions RPC Call

The listtransactions RPC call is a utility function provided by the Ethereum blockchain’s Node.js library, ethereum, that allows developers to retrieve a list of transactions from a specific Ethereum address. In this article, we will explore the details of this RPC call.

Return Value

Ethereum: listtransactions RPC call

The listtransactions RPC call returns a JSON object containing information about the transactions for the specified account. The returned value includes the following properties:

  • from: A string representing the recipient’s Ethereum address.

  • to: A string representing the sender’s Ethereum address.

  • value: A string representing the transaction amount in Wei (the native cryptocurrency of Ethereum).

  • gas: An integer representing the gas price for the transaction in Wei.

  • gasPrice: A string representing the gas price as a hexadecimal value.

  • time: A string representing the timestamp for each transaction in seconds since the epoch (January 1, 2000).

  • transactionHash: A string representing the unique hash of each transaction.

Example Use Case

Here is an example use case of the listtransactions RPC call:

const ethereum = require('ethereumjs-core');

// Create a new Ethereum object instance from your local machine's Ethereum wallet

const eth = new ethereum.Eth({ from: 'your-eth-address', account: 1 });

// Call the listtransactions RPC call to retrieve a list of transactions for address "your-eth-address"

ethereum.listtransactions('your-eth-address', { count: 10 }, (error, result) => {

if (error) {




// Log each transaction's details

result.forEach((transaction) => {

console.log(From: ${transaction.from});

console.log(To: ${});

console.log(Value: ${transaction.value} Wei);

console.log(Gas: ${transaction.gas} Wei);

console.log(Gas Price: ${transaction.gasPrice});

console.log(Time: ${transaction.time / 1000} seconds);

console.log(Transaction Hash: ${transaction.transactionHash});





The listtransactions RPC call has some limitations:

  • The returned value includes the transaction’s timestamp in seconds since the epoch, which may not be accurate for all transactions.

  • The returned value does not include information about the transaction’s status (e.g., whether it was successful or failed).

  • The returned value is limited to up to count most recent transactions, skipping the first from transactions for any account.

Tips and Variations

Here are some additional tips and variations that you may find useful:

  • To retrieve a specific list of transactions for an account, you can pass the account parameter with the desired value.

  • You can use the eth object’s other RPC calls to retrieve more information about each transaction, such as its type (e.g., eth.getTransactionCount) or its status (e.g., eth.getTransactionReceipt).

  • If you need to perform more complex transactions (e.g., send multiple transactions), you may need to use the ethereum library’s other RPC calls and APIs.

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